Peru - Junin: San Martin de Pangoa Geisha *Pre-Order*
Peru - Junin: San Martin de Pangoa Geisha *Pre-Order*
***Pre-order for our first roast date with shipping on January 16th***
Producer: San Martin de Pangoa Smallholders
Origin: Satipo, Junin, Peru
We Taste: Cara Cara Orange, Hibiscus, Buttery
Varietals: Geisha
Altitude: 1800 - 2000 masl
Process: Washed
12 oz Whole Bean Coffee
Peru is a country with a multitude of coffee growing regions. Earlier this season we were fortunate enough to offer Magna Pusma Laban's lot from Piura in Northern Peru. Now, we introduce you to our latest offer from Junin and our very first geisha varietal! We taste hibiscus and sweet orange. This variety of plant known for its complex, juicy and floral qualities which are evident in this lot. It is also notorious for being more costly to produce given these plants yield fewer coffee cherries. Considering this risk for coffee producers, we don't often seek geisha varietals thus, this offer is truly special.
The San Martin de Pangoa community is located in Central Peru between the Andes Mountains and central jungle. This community saw conflict and warfare throughout the 1980's but have returned to their farms after stabilization. Each producer's farm is from 3-5 hectares. This coffee undergoes 15-36 hours of wet fermentation and is dried for 10-13 days on beds. This coffee carries an Organic Certification.